Engaging the Community for a Clean Energy Transition

Downtown Wheaton event


Building on a project funded by the US Department of Energy through the Inclusive Energy Innovation Prize, the Wheaton Sustainable Innovation Zone (WSIZ) will strengthen economic development efforts and climate resilience while promoting innovation in the Wheaton community. Through extensive community engagement, project partners will apply the international lessons of sustainable innovation to the curated needs of the community, creating a model for similar communities in the County, State, and Nation.

This project combines the nationally recognized entrepreneurial programming of Bethesda Green’s Innovation Lab model with One Montgomery Green’s proven community engagement and environmental outreach strategies in Wheaton, MD.

The Sustainable Innovation Zone Model is framed around four goals

GREEN Savings

Cutting costs for businesses, families, communities, and governments by efficiently using renewable resources and by reducing and reusing waste.

GREEN Opportunities

Growing jobs and incomes through business development and expanding markets for resource efficiency, sustainability, and clean technologies.

GREEN Talent

Investing in fundamental assets such as education, research, technological innovation, and modern entrepreneurial and workforce skills, because people are now the world’s most vital green economic resource.

GREEN Places

Establishing sustainable transportation and infrastructure, and protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment, to create more attractive, livable, healthy, vibrant, prosperous, productive, and resource-efficient areas and communities.

connecting economic and business development with climate action